Backcountry is a well-known online outdoor clothing and gear retailer. From winter jackets to activewear and ski boots, you can find everything you need to be ready for your next adventure.
However, is Backcountry legit? This can be a confusing question as Backcountry has been around for over 20 years and was created by two dudes in a garage. While Backcountry has humble beginnings, companies with fast growth can develop a bad reputation, making customers question their legitimacy.
With that said, we will discuss what consumers are saying and evaluate the pros and cons of Backcountry. In addition, we will answer other frequently asked questions about the outdoor retailer, so read on!

Is Backcountry Legit? Company Overview
Backcountry was started in 1996 by two guys who had a passion for the outdoors. With a stack of avalanche beacons, they began selling outdoor gear from their garage. The mission was not only to provide the best outdoor gear in the industry but to be the best at doing it.
Well, it obviously worked because Backcountry grew to be one of the main players in the outdoor gear market. In fact, they were one of the only profitable outdoor gear companies next to the leader, REI.
As Backcountry grew, it began to offer a wide range of products to its customers. From winter gear to high-end camping, skiing, biking, hiking, and other outdoor gear, shoppers can find just about anything on Backcountry.

What was once a humble company that focused on outdoor gear changed in 2007 when Liberty Media Corporation acquired it. Liberty Media Corporation also controls e-commerce giant QVC and other retail e-commerce platforms.
As you can see, Backcountry is a legit company and is still a big retailer in the outdoor gear industry. To get a better idea of what you can find at Backcountry, let’s take a look at their product lineup.

Is Backcountry Gear Legit?
While Backcountry does have its own outdoor gear, they also sell products from other reputable brands, including The North Face, Burton, Patagonia, Smartwool, Saloman, and Sorel.
Looking at the wide range of gear they offer and the brands they are associated with, it’s safe to say that Backcountry is legit. It is unlikely that companies like Patagonia and The North Face want their product on a site that scams their customers.

When looking at Backcountry’s own product line, you will see they make quality products approved by outdoor enthusiasts. For example, their winter gear is made with GORE-TEX, a highly breathable and waterproof fabric that will serve you well in the worst conditions.
With that said, Backcountry has pros and cons. Let’s take a look at them below.
Pros of Backcountry
Here are the pros of shopping with Backcountry.
Huge Selection Of Outdoor Gear & Clothing
If you look at the Backcountry website, you will see an overwhelming amount of outdoor gear and clothing. You can find apparel for men, women, kids, and even toddlers and infants.
For clothing, you can shop for shirts, pants, jackets, sweatshirts, and more from the Backcountry brand and other top brands. You will also find a long list of footwear, from hiking and running shoes to slippers and sandals.

The outdoor gear selection is also huge, and you can either shop for winter gear in particular or jump to a specific category, such as skiing, surfing, hiking, or climbing.
Reputable Brands All In One Place
Online shopping can be exhausting when you have to jump from site to site to find what you need. Even though Backcountry’s inventory can be overwhelming, at least you can shop and compare other top brands on a single platform.
For example, if you aren’t sure you like a rain jacket made by Backcountry, you can look at one from Patagonia or The North Face. This makes shopping on Backcountry very convenient.

Free Shipping Offers
Backcountry does a good job getting your product within a reasonable time. For standard shipping, you will have 4-6 business days, and economy shipping takes 5-10 business days.
Backcountry often offers free shipping on orders totaling over $50.
Frequent Discounts
Backcountry is one of the best places to find incredible deals on outdoor clothing and gear. Not only do they regularly offer a 20% discount code, but it’s not uncommon to see 15%-50% discounts on a variety of products.
How often do you see this kind of discount on high-quality outdoor clothing and gear? Backcountry is a great place for bargain shoppers to find deals you won’t find at your local outdoor store.

In addition, Backcountry offers discounts for college and grad students. Students get an exclusive 20% discount on full-priced Backcountry, Stoic, and Basin + Range gear and apparel.
If you don’t want to miss out on these deals, then it’s a good idea to sign up for their mailing list and social media accounts. This way, you will be the first to know when there are flash sales and special discount codes.
Customer Service
While Backcountry has a terrible consumer rating on TrustPilot (1.8/5 stars) and SiteJabber (2.1/5 stars), you can take the complaints with a grain of salt. When you sift through the bad reviews, you will see a lot of them relate to a product not fitting correctly or not looking as advertised.
But is this Backcountry’s fault? Not necesarily, and Backcountry often comments on the review making efforts to fix the issue.

Other complaints are related to delivery being delayed or never arriving. However, it’s unclear whether these are Backcountry’s fault or not.
If you have issues, in order to ensure the best service we recommend contacting Backcountry directly at their customer service number.
Cons of Backcountry
Now let’s take a look at the cons of Backcountry.
Charges For Returns
If you need to return an order, you will need to pay a $6.99 fee for a return shipping label. Typically, the charge will be deducted from the refund or store credit.
Sometimes you can get around paying this if you are a returning customer.

Store Credits Expire
If you have used the product you are returning in any way, there is a good chance you will be given a refund in the form of store credit. However, your store credit will expire after one year. This can be a frustrating policy as you may not need to use the store credit right away.
Other store credits that were given during a promotion or for another reason will expire within 90 days. However, this isn’t transparent when the credits are issued. This is something customers have complained about.
Is Backcountry a Good Business?
It’s tough to look at Backcountry’s overall review rating and not wonder whether they are a good business. There is no doubt that they have a wide variety of outdoor apparel and gear that fits the needs and wants of the outdoor community.

However, one of the factors in some consumers’ negative opinions of Backcountry is that they filed lawsuits against small companies that had the term “Backcountry” in their name. It’s understandable to try and protect your trademark, but going after smaller businesses upset many people.
Social media went into an uproar at Backcountry’s actions. In response, Backcountry apologized and dropped one of the lawsuits.
Is Backcountry Legit? Final Verdict
Even though Backcountry is far from the small business they once were, they haven’t forgotten who they serve. They still are one of the best at providing high-quality outdoor gear and apparel. Not only that, but you can find some great deals on top-tier brands.

It’s also fair to say that Backcountry’s huge inventory selection and fast shipping are appealing. No matter if you are camping in Maui or taking a cabin getaway to Broken Bow, Oklahoma, you will find what you need and have it in time for your trip.
Of course, there are things that could be improved, such as changing the store credit expiration and not charging for return shipping labels. However, Backcountry is still a reliable source for your outdoor needs and is certainly a legit business.